Oh Nomi,

My heart goes out to you. My mother died on March 31st.

I have been with you from the beginning and I have loved being witness to your journey. I admire your capacity for adjusting to the ups and downs of living in your van and I appreciate that you are not a "van lifer", but a "day in the life of a woman who lives in her van."

You have grown in strength, courage, and beauty. You literally glow from within.

I feel privileged to be one of your subscribers (co-pilots?) and part of such a positive community.

With that said, happy anniversary!

Shine on Nomi, shine on. 🐢❤️

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Happy Anniversary!!

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Very proud of your accomplishments! You’re a strong young lady. My condolences too you on the death of your father 🙏🏼 I lost my parents also. My mom passed in my arms in the yr of 2021 and I was with my father when he passed also. Much love and blessings too you🫶🏻

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Nice to hear your insights. And truly, there's no place like home...even when you're enjoying the journey. I am so sorry for your loss. I pray that you were able to make it back for your father's service.

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I really enjoyed reading more about your journey. My prayers are with you for safe travels and dealing with the sadness of loosing your father. Stay strong, you've got this, look at all you accomplished already. One of your you tube dinner friends.

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I've been watching you from the beginning and look forward to your videos as part of my daily/weekly routine. It's fun learning about van life and seeing all of your adventures in travel. My deepest condolences on the loss of your Father. I lost my Dad also a year and a half ago and it still feels like yesterday. Sending you all the comfort and support!

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Thank you for sharing your experience with us.. and continued healing as you grieve the passing of your Dad. 💜✌️

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Your Dad is with God-which translates to he is with you. He is on the journey with you because it was his most fervent desire. Your experiences will continue to be God like, mystical and almost inexplainable-except to those of us who understand completely.

Love and hugs💜

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Condolences to you and your family on the lost of your father. Praying for your continued strength and wisdom. All things are possible for God.

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This letter truly touched my heart. I'm at my dead end job right now and I wish I could live 1/2 the life that you have right now. Life is so short and I better get started doing what I love before its too late. My condolences to your dad. I hope he knew what a wonderful daughter he had. We love you. (YouTube family)

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First and foremost prayers of healing as to the loss of your dad. Losing a parent, the foundation of life is hard, no matter what road we all are on or undertake. Thank you for lifting up community. Coming in unity is a significant piece to life, it shapes us it grounds us and sometimes it can distract or detract us. We continue to grow learn and most importantly we continue to be who we are. Children of LOVE, living each day of victory every day!! Peace and Blessings

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Hello my Lil Freedom Sista:

First: I wish you and your loved ones my deepest condolence on the passing of your father. Rarely do you mention your family or friends (and I understand AND respect your privacy). But I know one thing: whenever you spoke of your father, your smile ALWAYS betrayed you (as it showed your undeniable and everlasting fondness for him). I hope it will forever betray you when you speak and think of him. May he rest in heavenly peace.

Second: Through your travels, you've shown the meaning (and gift) of life in its purest form. You've shared your life when you didn't have to and brought joy to so many (including myself). I cannot thank you enough for your kindness.

Third: Feeling homesick is natural. We all want to have a "homebase" (even if it's only held in our hearts). Michigan is your homebase and I pray you continue to recognize it as such, hold it close, and protect it as only YOU can.

Fourth: You've been blessed to enjoy the state of "oneness" with God, while embracing the state of "community" with all of us, your new road friends, as well as your family and friends back home. Your life has become a grand testament to everything the Lord has offered to all of us, and THAT is the equivalent of a modern-day miracle. Continue to behold and appreciate everything he has for you.

God Bless,


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Thank you for sharing your story as well as the ups and downs of van life. I admire your bravery to step out and live life on your terms, even if that life goes against societal norms and expectations. It takes a special level of courage and self awareness to do that and also share it with the world.

Also, condolences to you and your family on the loss of your dad. I lost my dad a few years ago and I am still coping with it. I pray that you and your family will find comfort during this difficult time.

Continue living your life of freedom! I’ll be keeping you in prayer. Stay safe on the road. Looking forward to your next adventure :)

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Condolences to you and your family. You all are in my prayers. Stay safe out there and continue to have Fun.

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I am hugging you so hard through my phone right now! May God be with you and keep you and give you peace.

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Nomi, so sorry for your loss.. and thabkntou for sharing your life woth us

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An honest review of your feelings of life on the road. My mum died in April and I'm finding it very very difficult. Much love to you xx

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